Ven. Gen 3rd, 2025

Anche la Heineken lascerà la Federazione Russa. Lo ha comunicato la società olandese di produzione di birra, dicendosi “scioccata e profondamente rattristata nel vedere la guerra in Ucraina continuare a svolgersi e intensificarsi.

Heineken ha interrotto nuovi investimenti ed esportazioni in Russia, ha smesso di produrre, vendere e pubblicizzare il marchio e ha annunciato che non accetteremo alcun beneficio o profitto dalla nostra attività in Russia”.


Heineken N.V. announces decision to leave Russia

We are shocked and deeply saddened to watch the war in Ukraine continue to unfold and intensify.

We earlier announced that HEINEKEN stopped new investments and exports to Russia, ended the production, sale and advertising of the Heineken® brand, and announced that we will not accept any net financial benefits or profit from our business in Russia.

Following the previously announced strategic review of our operations, we have concluded that HEINEKEN’s ownership of the business in Russia is no longer sustainable nor viable in the current environment. As a result, we have decided to leave Russia.

We aim for an orderly transfer of our business to a new owner in full compliance with international and local laws. To ensure the ongoing safety and wellbeing of our employees and to minimise the risk of nationalisation, we concluded that it is essential that we continue with the recently reduced operations during this transition period.

In all circumstances we guarantee the salaries of our 1,800 employees will be paid to the end of 2022 and will do our utmost to safeguard their future employment.

We will not profit from any transfer of ownership and we expect an impairment and other non-cash exceptional charges of approximately €0.4 billion in total.

Upon completion of the transfer HEINEKEN will no longer have a presence in Russia.

We continue to hope that a path to a peaceful outcome emerges in the near term..

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